Monday, August 22, 2011


So today was the first day back to school. I was pretty excited to go back and get into a routine and finally get off the couch and do something. I enrolled in 3 classes and chris enrolled in 4 classes this semester. We knew that it was going to be tough having to swap brynlee 3 times on tuesdays and thursdays and juggling studied and family time. I didn't realize how tough it was gonna be till i got home and chris said he had a 50 question quiz to do tomorrow and i had a 50 question assignment to do that was due the next day in my Math 1050 class. We both sat down to begin our homework and the screaming and crying began! I tried holding brynlee and doing my homework, feeding her treats and giving her toys and none of those worked. On top of that, i had NO clue how to do any of the problems!! After 2 freaking hours of trying to figure out the problems i lost it. At that moment me and Brynlee were crying! I just didn't realize how hard this was going to be. After about an hour of discussion, Chris and I decided that its not the best thing for our family for me to go to school this semester. I was so bummed when we decided that but i know that its whats best for us right now. I am definitely looking forward to when i can go back and give it my all! I am not the best at Math and i need hours and hours to study and i honestly would rather have that time to spend with my baby girl! I am sad but i know that i will eventually finish! :)


  1. ah bumma... hey, even enrolling and tryin it out was a huge step! you'll get there :)but it looks like you've got your priorities straight, family comes first :) atta girl Chaun

  2. hahaha thanks Michelle! I feel like a huge loser but i am glad i get to stay home with my little terror lol!
